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Vitamin D: in Autumn & Winter.

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As the days begin to shorten, a familiar routine of dark mornings and long evenings become a reality for all of us. When you’re leaving the house before sunrise and watching the sun set before 5pm, getting enough Vitamin D can be a challenge.

What is Vitamin D?

It is needed by the body for both physical and mental health and is best known for ensuring bones are strong and grow properly by supporting calcium metabolism

The two main dietary forms of Vitamin D are:

Vitamin D is made in our skin by the action of sunlight, but we can also boost our Vitamin D levels with our diet.

Vitamin D from Our Diets

There are a few foods which naturally contain Vitamin D such as oily fish, red meat and eggs – yet these foods contain too small an amount of Vitamin D for us to get what our bodies need from diet alone.

Vitamin D from the Sun

During the winter months in the UK, sunlight doesn't contain enough UVB radiation for our skin to be able to make vitamin D.

Public Health England (PHE) suggest people consider Vitamin D supplements throughout these months, advising that adults and children over the age of one should have 10 micrograms (mcg) of Vitamin D every day.

Supplementing Vitamin D

At Nourished, we offer a Vitamin D3 supplement which helps to maintain healthy bones by absorbing calcium and phosphorus—it also helps to support the brain and immune & nervous system. Some studies have even shown it can regulate mood and reduce the symptoms of depression.

Choosing the right Vitamin D Supplement.

There are many low-cost, ineffective, synthetic versions of Vitamin D on the market, most of which come from squeezing the fat out of sheep’ wool. 

Sheep secrete lanolin (often referred to as wool grease or wool wax) to protect their coat. This lanolin contains Vitamin D which is then squeezed out of the wool and processed with chemicals until it is made into a supplement.

Thankfully, plant-based, natural, sustainable options are now becoming more readily available—the Vitamin D3 we use at Nourished is sourced from vegan algae.

Getting enough Vitamin D

A well-rounded approach is the best way to prevent a Vitamin D deficiency. This means eating foods that are rich in Vitamin D and supplementing throughout the autumn and winter months as per PHEs advice.

Every stack with the Nourished D3 supplement contains 100 mcg of Vita Algae D3 to get you through the sun-less days. The supplement is also available in some of our life stacks and can be added to your own personalised stack.

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