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Nourished masks to help protect you and the environment

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At Nourished we aren’t just passionate about providing innovative, personalised nutrition. We want to help our customers to lead a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle all-round, and to make their daily routines a little more convenient and cared for.

That’s why when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the UK, we started making our own hand sanitiser in our R&D lab to distribute to all our customers and those most vulnerable within out community. Now we have designed and manufactured our own double layer fabric face covering for all new customers who purchase Nourished.

Why should you wear a face mask?

Based on the best available scientific evidence, face coverings have now been advised by the UK government as an effective method of reducing the transmission of corona-virus, and must be worn on all public transport and in supermarkets and shops by law from the 24th of July. By wearing a mask, you are not only preventing getting fined £100, you are also preventing other people from catching anything from you.

The virus is spread predominantly by droplets from coughs, sneezes and speaking which can also reside on different surfaces. Wearing a mask protects those around you, and when combined with social distancing and regular hand washing, should help to prevent the spread of the virus.

How to wear your face mask;

  • Ensure the mask is covering your nose and mouth whilst allowing you to breath properly.
  • Secure your mask to your head using the ear loops – our Nourished masks have two settings to suit the individual user.
  • Avoid wearing your mask on your neck or forehead.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap before putting it on and after taking it off.
  • Our Nourished masks are reusable so pop it in the washing machine with the rest of your laundry once it’s been worn so that you can use it again (it is advisable to have a few reusable masks so you aren't having to repeatedly wash the same one). 

The environmental impact of single use, plastic masks 

As always at Nourished, we have considered the effect on the environment before taking action. Research has shown that single use face coverings are much less sustainable, and the UCL Plastic Waste Innovation Hub claims that single use plastic masks would result in ’10 times more climate change impact than using reusable masks’. They concluded that by opting for reusable masks, the public preserve the supply of single-use masks intended for front-line healthcare workers, whilst also limiting the risk of disposing 66,000 tonnes of contaminated plastic mask waste into the household waste stream.

Conservationists have warned that there could soon be more disposable masks than jelly fish in the Mediterranean, and have expressed their fears that the pandemic could cause a surge in ocean pollution. At Nourished we want to actively ensure that we are limiting this threat as much as possible, and so are distributing reusable masks to our customers to help protect their health and the health of those around them, along with the environment and our invaluable front-line workers.  

Take a #maskie! 

#Maskies are currently trending on social media to help encourage people to protect themselves during these uncertain times. If you’d like to help raise awareness of the importance of wearing masks, you can share your Nourished mask on social media using #maskie and #getstack3d.


Please note – our Nourished masks are not intended or designed to be used as medical PPE or to prevent, mitigate, treat, diagnose or cure any disease or health condition.

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