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Our Founder

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Meet our CEO and Founder of Nourished, Melissa Snover. Our very own award-winning entrepreneur, registered nutritionist and self-confessed health fanatic.


Lightbulb Moment!

Our Founder and CEO Melissa Snover has been an avid consumer of vitamins for over two decades, but back in 2018 she was growing sick and tired of popping pills every morning. The plastic bottles were clogging up her cupboards, she was forgetting which supplements she bought from which suppliers, and travelling with them was a complete nightmare.

On business trips she would take with her a large bag of pills, tablets, and supplements, and on one such occasion accidentally dropped them in airport security. Crawling around the floor in her suit and heels picking them up, she thought there must be a more convenient way to take vitamins - and the idea for Nourished was born.

Wellness from Within

Melissa is a registered nutritionist, a self-confessed health fanatic, and has been leading a plant-based diet since she was a teen. Her personal principles, as well as her interests in sustainability, are embedded into the core ethos of Nourished.

Having spent decades working long hours and not prioritising her own wellbeing, she is now passionate about living a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle with the support of truly bespoke nutrition. Nourished has transformed Melissa’s routine and optimised her goals; now, her vision is to help others all over the world to do the same.

Who Run's the World?

Melissa is an award-winning entrepreneur and visionary in the world of food technology. Having started her first company at the age of 23, she has been bringing innovative products to the consumer market ever since. She is a passionate supporter of women in business, as well as being a dedicated mentor; encouraging young people of all backgrounds to begin studying in STEM fields.

If you would like to read more from the Nourished blog then click the link here

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