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Introducing our enhanced Vegan Vitamin D3, a T-cell super boost

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With 74% of the UK population having below optimum levels of Vitamin D it’s easy to understand why this powerful vitamin is so important [xiv]. At Nourished we are committed to adapting and optimising our current Nourishments in line with ground-breaking studies and new scientific research to deliver the best nutrition available. So, today we are delighted to announce our new and improved Vegan Vitamin D3!

Recent studies highlight how an increased dosage of Vitamin D (higher than current government guidelines) may be linked to better health outcomes surrounding our immune systems and Covid-19, along with possible other benefits such as reducing the risk of breast cancer. [iii] [v] [vi] [vii] [xi]

Our Vegan Vitamin D3 is also essential for increasing the body's T-cell count [vi].

Why Have We Enhanced Our Vegan Vitamin D3? 

On the back of new research, we have enhanced our Vegan Vita-algae D3 from 400iu to 2000iu. Vegan Vitamin D3 is 5x the dosage of our previously offered nourishment in order to deliver optimum health benefits to Nourished customers.  

What is Vegan Vitamin D3? 

Vitamin D typically comes from the wool fat in sheep which is secreted by the sebaceous glands. Our vegan alternative however is sourced from algae and lichen fungus species grown in northern Canada. 

Supplementing vitamin D into your diet is recommended by NHS England, especially during the winter and autumn months when sunshine isn't as prevalent [i]. Clinical trials indicate that 27% of the population are deficient in vitamin D with 74% having levels that are below the optimum for well-being. [xiv]

This is an alarming statistic, especially as Cambridge University found from the results of their observational study that a low concentration of vitamin D in the blood was linked to an association of increased risk of coronary heart disease, strokes, and overall increased risk of death. [x

What Are the Benefits of Vegan Vitamin D3 

Vitamin D3 has a host of health properties that feed into multiple areas of our bodies, including helping to fortify our bones/teeth and supporting healthy muscle functions [xv]. However, recent studies show that higher dosages have also been linked to positive health benefits surrounding breast cancer, Covid-19 and our T-cell count. [iii] [v] [vi] [vii] [xi]

Further studies with adolescent participants have also linked vitamin D as an effective solution for combating IBS. [vii

Vegan Vitamin D3's Effects on Covid-19 

There have been numerous studies into the links between supplementing vitamin D3 and how it can affect Covid-19. 

A study from the Irish Medical Journal concluded that a deficiency in vitamin D may contribute towards an increased risk of Covid-19, with their recommendation being that those most at risk should be supplementing vitamin D into their diet. [xiii

A study from Boston University indicated that you are 54% more likely to contract Covid-19 when deficient in vitamin D [viii], with another study into 154 cases of Covid-19 in India finding that vitamin D levels were "strongly associated" with the severity of Covid-19. [ix

A strong correlation was also found between people with a severe deficiency in vitamin D and the mortality rate from Covid-19 cases across Europe. [xii

Asides from Covid-19 links, research into higher dosages of Vitamin D3 also show possible positive health benefits relating to breast cancer. One study indicates that higher daily dosages of vitamin D may have been associated with a rise in serum 25 (OH)D to 52 ng/ml, which is linked to a 50% reduction in the occurrence of breast cancer. [ii] [iii

Other studies into 52 trials and over 75,000 participants found that there could be a 16% reduced risk of cancer death when vitamin D supplementation was applied. [vi

Increasing Your T-Cell Count 

Another key area of importance is the body's T-cell count, and this can be positively affected by vitamin D3. 

Research has linked higher doses of this multipurpose vitamin to supporting our immune system through increasing our T-cell count [iv]. T-cells are referred to as white killer cells, and their role is to track down and destroy viruses in the body. 

You can read our full blog post about the importance of T-cells and the positive impacts they have on our bodies here

How to Add Vegan Vitamin D3 to Your Diet! 

This enhanced Nourishment can be added to your own personalised, freshly 3D-printed gummy vitamin today! All existing customers of our Vegan Vita-algae D will have that ingredient replaced with the optimised Vegan Vitamin D3 straight away. If you’re not yet nourishing your body and mind with our personalised, 3D printed stacks, you can take the quiz now or add this powerful nutrient to your bespoke blend.   

Want to Learn More About Vegan Vitamin D3? 

To find out more about Vegan Vitamin D3, visit the studies listed below for additional information regarding this exciting update to our nourishment line-up: 
















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